We offer two different systems for the straightening of adult teeth, all of which include FREE teeth whitening at the end of your treatment.
To book an initial consultation, visit the practice or call 01475 673399.
Click here to contact us for more information.

More freedom
An Invisalign brace is discreet to wear and easy to take out when you need to.
Works fast
You could see results in as little as 6 months, depending on the complexity of your case.
Investing in you
Free initial consultation and flexible payment plans.
Crowded teeth
Overbite and underbite
Crossbite and open bite
Gap teeth
Baby and permanent teeth
Generally straighter teeth
Prices start from £2000. To book an initial consultation with Nadine Canata, visit the practice or call 01475 673399.
Click here to contact us for more information.

Do your teeth stop you from smiling?
Do you want straight teeth and a beautiful smile?
Do you want nearly invisible braces?
If ‘yes’, ask your dentist about QuickStraightTeeth.
Braces conjure up an image of ‘train tracks’. Thankfully, with QST there is no compromise on aesthetics or results.
QST uses either clear aligners or tooth-coloured brackets and wires to ensure that the brace is almost invisible.
Without addressing any major orthodontic issues, QST works to gently level and align your front teeth quickly!
Prices start from £1400. To book an initial consultation with Nadine Canata, visit the practice or call 01475 673399.
Click here to contact us for more information.